

2-1-1 is a 24-hour, simple, free way to connect all people in need with vital human services for everyday life or in times of crisis. By dialing 2-1-1 anywhere in the state of Wisconsin, people are linked to information about local resources, from both government and nonprofit organizations.

Emergency Services Unit (Dane County)

Call 608-280-2600 24-hours a day for crisis intervention and stabilization services

ESU services include responses to suicide attempts and situations that include a high-risk threat to self and/or others; short term outpatient stabilization and case management until a transfer can be made to long term services; treatment for acute psychiatric problems; gate keeping of hospital and institutional admissions; monitoring of hospitalized clients; crisis stabilization services; consultation to other community professionals, including law enforcement; and survivor of suicide services to those affected by a death by suicide


HOPELINE, by the Center for Suicide Awareness, is a text-in (versus voice call-in) free service for help and hope. HOPELINE is the Emotional Support Text Line in the State of Wisconsin and provides service throughout the entire state.

HOPELINE’s purpose is to offer emotional support and resources before situations rise to crisis level. Texts received reflect struggles with breakups, job loss, bullying, LGBTQ issues, parental issues, school, friends, relationship issues or any struggle a person is experiencing.

NAMI Dane County

NAMI Dane County is the founding chapter of the National Alliance on Mental Illness, the nation’s largest grassroots mental health organization dedicated to improving the lives of people affected by mental illness. The mission of NAMI Dane County is to support and empower everyone touched by mental illness. NAMI is an organization that is committed to eliminating stigma and nurturing recovery through education, support, advocacy, and outreach.

FoodShare Helpline


Second Harvest volunteers will help you learn if you are eligible for FoodShare benefits.

CAC Housing Resource Desk

(608) 246-4730

Information and referral to community housing resources & housing search assistance.

Tenant Resource Center

(608) 257-0006

Housing counseling, mediation services and information on community resources.

Energy/Utility Assistance

(608) 267-8601

Help with heating/electric costs and energy crisis.

Additional Resources

Available at